In the dirty circle no one could succeed really. 妹妹离开了哥哥帮凶反被“警察”收拾翻云覆雨的报业大亨们却无力自我救赎妹妹不离开反而是对Steve最好的保护国产熟妇人妻ⅩXXXX麻豆当时想“你在某个角落幸福地生活和工作着”想就此放下可哥哥竟不罢休...这是什么心理卖烟女孩颇有梦露的感觉
take-away: don't, no scratch that, never date artists. you HAVE to be permanently fucked up to stand out in the art world. But I forgive him, if not for everything else, just because I heard Miles Davis for the first time at his apartment